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Lost the will

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Informed the wide audience was presented the play "conversation with the soul" with participation of Marata Basharova. This time you will be a new action. The leitmotif of the play is the story of...

  • MKAD, 66 km (EXT.), K3, Moscow, Russia, 125464
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Lost the will
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Informed the wide audience was presented the play "conversation with the soul" with participation of Marata Basharova. This time you will be a new action. The leitmotif of the play is the story of a girl and a guy met at the bridge at the very moment when the girl decided that the best way to cope with difficulty – to go into oblivion. What is the end of the story? In parallel with the main story line unfolding scene, where the main roles involved scholars of Islam, national heroes and other prominent personalities of the Muslim peoples. We meet them at a critical moment. And it turns out that they all turned to the last bequest of the Prophet, lost in our day of human hearts. "No future no past" — so says the story. If not refer to the values that is given to us from our ancestors, the achievements of the past will remain in the dark ages and their light will never reach the future generation. Awaken once asleep or hidden power, granted by God! Step into the past and feel like a part of the time! On all questions to call by tel: 8 925 735 000 4

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