Masjid al-Fayza of Miami
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Masjed Al-Fayza, sometimes also called Mushalla al-Fayza, was set up five years ago in downtown Miami to allow Muslim men and women who work in this area to perform their daily and Friday prayers. Before this mosque was established, many Muslims found it hard to leave downtown for prayers, especially for Friday prayer. In 1999, a group of Muslims rented three rooms (220, 221 and 222) at 39 NE 3 Avenue and combined them into one room. The room was then turned into a mosque that many Muslims now find to be a convenient place to pray. This mosque serves a multicultural community, with a large Malay, Indonesian and Filipino contingent. The mosque population is also transient since it includes downtown workers, the crew of ships docked in Miami, and tourists from Miami hotels.

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36 NE 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL 33132-2512